curried pork belly: swined and dined.

humor me for a second here.

imagine, if you will, a pork belly.

now imagine not rubbing it generously with pink curing salt and/or nitrates.  imagine not curing or smoking it.  imagine not using it to make bacon or any bacon-esque food (e.g. pancetta, proscuitto, speck, canadian bacon, etc).

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diced! finals: go big or go home.

it looks like i made it to the finals of the diced! cooking competition on Rantings of an Amateur Chef, and that means i have a shot at the gold.  while i am the underdog, i can almost taste the victory.

then again, it might just be the leftovers of the super delicious recipe i came up with for my submission.  for the final round, all the contestants had to create a dessert using brown sugar, coffee, and bananas.  i ended up making a bacon, coffee, and banana frozen custard from scratch (no ice cream maker, mind you!).

and so, i call upon you, my faithful readers, to help me go big or go home.  i can only win with your votes, so if you have the time, click on the link for my recipe above and cast your vote on the left hand side.  your support has gotten me this far, and with just one more little push, it might be able to take me all the way to the top.

as always, thanks for helping a little poor man feel like a culinary king.

Diced! Misha – Baconana Coffee Frozen Custard

the diced! finals are here! thanks for sticking with me all this way. if you have the time, click this link and vote for me on the right hand side.

Rantings of an Amateur Chef

Today we have an entrant for the second course of the Diced! competition. Contestants were instructed to create or find a recipe for a dessert containing the following ingredients: Bananas, Brown Sugar and Coffee (beans, grinds or liquid). They were instructed to make their dish and create a blog post about it, including pictures. You can help determine who advances to the next round. After the last post, I will post a poll where you can vote for contestants to move on. Vote for the post you like the best. You can vote because of the inventiveness, the yummyness, the use of ingredients, the quality of the writing and pictures or for any other reason. The poll will be active for one week only. Check back and vote. In the event of a tie, the Ranting Chef will choose who advances. More information about Diced! can be found here

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my life as a high-fat hipster.

lately, it seems like fat has become all the rage.

paleo dietitians and fitness enthusiasts have been flooding the interwebs with all sorts of articles and scientific studies which sing the praises of blubber.  in its stead, this year’s dietary scarlet letter has been sewn to the frock of carbohydrates, specifically gluten.  dozens of first hand accounts seem to indicate that a fat-rich diet high in animal proteins and low in sugars can make us healthier human beings.  shaky nutritional data is being tossed around like gluten-free hot cakes.

and honestly, i couldn’t care less about any of it.

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